Dog Walker's Guide to Canadian Wildfire Smoke Safety

As a responsible dog walking company, the safety and well-being of our clients, their beloved pets, and our dog walkers are our utmost priority. We understand that the recent spread of smoke from Canadian wildfires has raised concerns about outdoor activities and air quality. In this article, we will provide important information and offer valuable tips on how to stay safe while enjoying dog walks during these challenging conditions.

Understanding the Air Quality Advisory

The current air quality advisory in the Milwaukee area is a result of increased levels of PM2.5, fine particles in the air that can pose health risks when breathed in. These particles can lead to respiratory problems, including coughing and wheezing, as well as more serious conditions such as reduced lung function, asthma attacks, heart attacks, and strokes. The advisory, which is effective from June 26th to June 29th, may impact the general population. It is important to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions during this period of elevated air pollution.

Safety Tips for Dog Walkers:

Stay Informed

Keep a close eye on air quality reports and updates from reliable sources, such as local authorities or weather agencies. Stay informed about changes in smoke conditions and adjust your walking schedule accordingly.

Modify Walking Times

If possible, plan your dog walks during periods when air quality is expected to be better. Currently the heaviest impact is anticipated from noon on Tuesday (6/27) through noon on Wednesday (6/28). Consider adjusting your schedule to avoid walking during these peak times.

Limit Outdoor Exposure

During periods of poor air quality, it's important to minimize exposure to smoke for both yourself and the dogs you're walking. If the air quality is deemed UNHEALTHY or worse, consider shortening the walks or finding alternative indoor activities to keep the dogs active and entertained.

Choose Safe Walking Locations

Seek out areas with good air circulation and lower levels of pollution. Parks or green spaces that are farther away from heavily trafficked areas or industrial zones may offer cleaner air. Be flexible and adaptable when selecting your walking routes.

Protect Yourself

Wearing a properly fitted N95 or N99 respirator mask can provide some protection against harmful particles in the air. Consider equipping yourself and your team with these masks during periods of intense smoke. Additionally, wear light-colored, long-sleeved clothing to minimize direct contact with smoke particles.

Hydrate Frequently

Smoke can cause dryness and irritation in the throat and respiratory system. Stay hydrated by carrying a water bottle for yourself and offering water breaks to the dogs. Adequate hydration helps maintain overall health and reduces the impact of smoke on your body.

Watch for Signs of Discomfort

Keep a close eye on the dogs during walks and monitor their behavior closely. Watch for signs of respiratory distress, such as excessive coughing, wheezing, or labored breathing. If you notice any concerning symptoms, it's important to contact the pet owners and seek veterinary assistance if necessary.

While the spread of smoke from Canadian wildfires presents challenges for dog walkers, taking precautions and staying informed can help ensure the safety of everyone involved. Our dog walking company remains dedicated to prioritizing the well-being of our clients, their beloved pets, and our team members. By following the provided tips and staying vigilant, we can navigate these difficult conditions while continuing to provide exceptional care for our furry friends. Stay safe and enjoy your walks responsibly!