Contrafreeloading & Enrichment in Dog Training

Contrafreeloading food test with Cricket

Hi, it’s Marsha Zay, CPDT - KA , back with another fun and fascinating topic in dog training:


Contrafreeloading - a term that sounds technical and well, boring, right? But, it's actually something that can make dog training much more fun and engaging for both you and your furry friend. If you're looking for ways to challenge your dog's brain, improve their training, or just switch up their meal routines, then keep reading!

First off, let's define what contrafreeloading is. This term is used in dog training to describe the behavior of a dog that elects to work for food instead of receiving it for free - essentially doing the opposite of "freeloading." A freeloading dog is given food without any effort or work on their end. You can think of this as the equivalent of your dog getting served a fancy five-course meal without lifting a paw. But, in contrast, a contrafreeloading dog will work for their food. It's a bit like the difference between getting handed a paycheck and working hard for it.

It's fascinating that this behavior is often observed in dogs that have been trained using positive reinforcement techniques, where they have learned that working for their food is more rewarding than simply being handed their meal. But, it's not only domesticated pups that show such behavior - it's also seen in wild animals that have to work for their food in their natural environment.

Now, let's get to why this is important for your dog! We all know that dogs are intelligent creatures, and their brains need stimulation just like ours do. That's where contrafreeloading comes in. By rewarding your dog with food only when they perform a specific behavior, you're encouraging them to learn and perform new behaviors. Essentially, the dog learns that the behavior is rewarding and is more likely to repeat it in the future. As an added bonus, your dog will get a confidence boost once they understand they have control over their environment - who doesn't love that feeling?

But, the benefits of contrafreeloading don't stop there. It's actually a critical component of dog enrichment - something that's becoming more widely recognized as being essential for happy, healthy pets. Puzzle toys, kongs, and snuffle mats are just a few examples of the incredible options out there, and they're all designed to spark your dog's pleasure center and satisfy their natural desire for foraging. This means that by incorporating contrafreeloading into your dog's training, you're also improving their overall well-being.

Explore our Fear Free guide to DIY Enrichment Ideas for Dogs by clicking here!

In summary, contrafreeloading is an essential concept for dog owners and trainers alike. The idea that our four-legged friends are more likely to work for their food is hugely important and can be applied in a variety of ways to enhance their training and behavior. So, why not ditch that bowl a few times a week and work some fun into your meal routines? Your dog will thank you!

More info on Contrafreeloading:

Working for Food Enriches Dogs' Lives and Breaks the Boredom

Free food or earned food? A review and fuzzy model of contrafreeloading

Contra Freeloading, A New Way to Feed Pets